A proper designed orthotics (OA) insole can help to correct our walking posture to reduce burden of our knee. Hence, the symptom will be released and degeneration will be delayed.
OA insole is using the principle of bio-mechanic which can be explained in diagram shown below. It is a better choice than Glucosamine. It is drug free. It takes time to have the result and release pain (for those with scale 1 & 2).
Those with knee osteoarthritis:
After wearing orthotics insole,
Insole is not generic and suit for everyone. Before selection, we have to understand our own leg axis or shape, and foot print pattern. See below. Striaght leg and medium arch are normal.
The next step is to determine the size of foot. We can use the scale shown on the right.
There are various types of material being used in the market. The most common one are :